Visitors are allowed to come to two meetings before applying for membership. There are two elements to consider, the annual fee and a separate fee for each session attended.
Annual membership runs from October to September. The current annual membership fee is £35, about half of which covers membership of the AWGB, the Association of Woodturners of Great Britain. Junior membership is £18 and there are reduced rates for family memberships. If you join before the end of June you are liable for the full fee; from July 1st new members pay half the annual rate. The annual fee is non-refundable. (Note: the half fee dates were revised in April 2018 to be consistent with the AWGB.)
The standard session fee is £3 .00, including tea and coffee. Visitors are charged £5 when there are visiting demonstrators; spaces are limited. All day events are charged at a higher rate to reflect the costs involved. There are also fees for training courses and other special events.
Membership Forms. New members are required to complete a Club application form as well as an application form for the AWGB. Information on how personal details are handled is shown there.